Advocacy Tools and Resources
CTAI is constantly working to promote greater transportation and mobility options for all of Idaho. This area is dedicated to providing you with resources that will enable you to improve mobility and transportation options in your community.
2025 Transit Day at the Capitol
CTAI hosted the 2025 Transit Day at the Idaho Capitol on Monday, February 10. This special event brought together leaders, advocates, and stakeholders to explore the vital role transit plays in Idaho’s communities and economy. A video recording of the event and event materials can be found below.
Event Materials
- 2025 Idaho Public Transit booklet: Transit in Idaho Return on Investment (PDF)
- Presentation: The State of Transit in Idaho – Elaine Clegg, Valley Regional Transit (PDF)
- Presentation: Economic Impacts of Transit in Idaho – Cameron Waite, HDR (PDF)
- Presentation: How Transit Can Help Sustain Idaho’s Economic Growth – Suzanne Seigneur, Lewiston Transit System (PDF)
- Presentation: Connecting with Legislature, CTAI (PDF)
68th Legislative Session Information
Senate Transportation Committee
Meets: Tuesday & Thursday, 1:30 p.m., Room WW53
Chair: Doug Okuniewicz
Vice Chair: Josh Keyser
Members: Van T. Burtenshaw, Phil Hart, Ben Adams, Codi Galloway, Joshua Kohl, Alison Rabe, Carrie Semmelroth
Secretary: Melissa Price:, 208-332-1332
House Transportation and Defense Committee
Meets: Even days, 1:30 p.m., Room EW40
Chair: Joe A. Palmer
Vice Chair: Brandon Mitchell
Members: James Holtzclaw, Jason A. Monks, Charlie Shepherd, Jaron Crane, Clay Handy, Edward H. Hill, James Petzke, Judy Boyle, Lance W. Clow, Kyle Harris, Stephanie Jo Mickelsen, Mike J. Pohanka, John Gann, Brooke Green
Secretary: Tracey McDonnell:, 208-332-1146
Transportation Funding
Federal assistance to public transportation is provided primarily through the public transportation program administered by the Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA).
Major federal involvement in public transportation dates to the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 (P.L.88-365). Prior to the mid-1960’s there was very little public funding of public transportation. With much lower ridership than existed at the end of World War II and mounting debts, however, many private transit companies were reorganized as public entities. Federal funding was initially used to recapitalize transit systems. Today, the focus of the federal program is still on the capital side, but the program has evolved to support operational expenses in some circumstances, as well as safety oversight, planning, and research.
Financing the construction, operation and maintenance of public transportation systems involves many funding sources, including federal and non-federal grants, cooperative agreements, loans, and revenue sources. Different types of financing arrangements such as leases and public private partnerships have been used to fund the procurement of materials and activities. Idaho Delegation announced that Idaho received over $60 million in federal funding allocations to the transit industry following the President’s signing of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
The CARES Act directs the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to allocate funding to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus through the existing Urbanized Area, Formula Grants Program Rural Areas Formula Grants Program, and the Tribal Transit Formula Grants Program.
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