
A Voice for Accessible Multimodal Transportation Options

CTAI advocates for policies, resources, and funding to support multi-modal mobility options, as well as the ability for transportation service providers (private and public) to provide safe, efficient, affordable, competent and high quality transportation.

The Community Transportation Association of Idaho (CTAI) advocates on behalf of all Idahoans and members in the pursuit of innovative mobility options throughout the state.


CTAI will monitor legislative action that would affect the public transportation network
at the local, state and federal level .

Public Affairs

CTAI will engage private partners, businesses, and local, state and congressional elected officials to to build and maintain a strong reputation and advance public transportation services throughout Idaho.


CTAI will actively engage transportation providers to identify important issues affecting the transportation service providers throughout Idaho.

Elected Officials on the Move

CTAI will organize opportunities for state legislators and local elected officials to experience the transportation options available for the constituents in their respective communities.  

Board & Committees

The Community Transportation Association of Idaho volunteer Board of Directors and Committees provide guidance to the management of the Association. These individuals are dedicated to supporting, coordinating, and promoting mobility in Idaho.

State Level

State Funding for Public Transportation

CTAI will work with elected officials and transportation partners for the introduction and passage of legislation for state funding for public transportation.

Legislative Social

CTAI will host a Legislative Social during the Annual Conference in February. More details to follow!

Federal Level

Federal Transportation Authorizing Law

CTAI will work with the Idaho Congressional Delegation to influence reauthorization of the Federal transportation law to ensure positive impacts for the public transportation network in Idaho.


CTAI develops and administers several types of directories and datasets designed to promote engagement, collaborations, connections, innovation, and sustainability between its members, partners, and other stakeholders.

Please contact us at to learn more about CTAI or join us as a member.

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